package contains the AR series railcar in the Arriva color scheme, as it can be
seen in Denmark. This add-on is the first time that a Lint has been implemented
based on the Danish model. Danish features such as the ATC train protection
system are of course included. Two tasks for the Nordfriesland Vol.1 route round
off the package.
LINT is a railcar manufactured by Alstom since 1999. The acronym LINT stands for
"light innovative local transport railcar". It was developed by
Linke-Hofmann-Busch (LHB; acquired by Alstom in 1996) and is sold as part of
Alstom's Coradia family.
the railcars often travel in sparsely populated regions, they have a stop
request system. This is of course also included in our add-on. Furthermore, the
integrated Ebula functionality can be used to display your own timetables in the
driver's cab.
Stop request system
+ Sifa
(Denmark )
Changeable train destination display
+ Ebula
Switchable instrument lighting
Driver's cab light
Standard Train Simulator effects (camera / weather effects)
+ 2
scenarios on the Nordfriesland route Vol.1 (route not included)
Manuals are included in German, English and Danish
the scenarios:
Nordfriesland Vol 1-1-0